学术优先级 & 倡议

Transforming Aspirations into Action

The Office of the Provost works to promote academic excellence 和 access to opportunity. We strive to enable scholarship, research 和 intellectual inquiry to flourish.

另外, we host a variety of initiatives that aim to enrich student 和 faculty life, as well as positively influence research, 教学, 和 learning practices.

  • 桥


  • 建筑

    Engaged 研究 University

  • 服务


  • 社区

    4D Student Experience

  • 全球


students working in lab

多样性 & 社区

We're committed to maintaining a campus environment that highly values inclusivity 和 works to promote equity 和 the common good.


研究 和 奖学金

To ensure we continue to excel in research 和 scholarship, we provide a strong infrastructure of support in areas ranging from navigating the grant 和 proposal process to sharing published scholarship.



Our Office empowers our undergraduate 和 graduate 项目 to provide an exemplary experience 和 to ensure their academic offerings meaningfully support intercultural underst和ing.